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Hi There!    I am Lea, a    passionate Product Designer  who enjoys creating great experiences for users humans  


ReLoad - SaaS Management Site

Development of a Logistique platform for the Canadian federal government that supports the Army internationally.

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IDES - ATCO Internal Design System

The development of our internal design system, which is based on Flutter and Material Design.


ATCO Mini Projects

A lot of the work we do at ATCO is also developing smaller applications and sites, which are usually very straight forward and do not require wireframing or research.

Find out about the numerous 'Mini' projects I've worked on.


Origins map

The creation of a responsive website that enables ATCO employees to interact with one another, share their origins and discover the diversity among them.


ATCOpedia - Knowledge sharing 

ATCOpedia is a tool for capturing and sharing knowledge, project learning, and expertise across ATCO. In addition to supporting our growth as a learning organization, this responsive site also allows us to create, acquire, and transfer knowledge.


Responsive Booking Flow

Testing, designing, collaborating, and making new decisions based on data in order to improve the user experience of WestJet's responsive booking flow.


Early Access to Upgrade

Provide WestJet Gold and Premium members with the opportunity to upgrade their cabin 48 hours in advance of their scheduled flight for a better fee rather than 24 hours in advance.

Lagoon - 'DaaS' Dashboard

A 2-month Hack-a-thon Design. Uncovered the blind spots in our flow and enrich it with new recommendations and drove the development and communication of clear design guidelines, patterns, libraries, and assets.

McCann - Climate FieldView

Design of an interactive, responsive, and accessible virtual tour for 'Climate Fieldview' a digital farming’s leading software platform that turns your field data into insights.

Motion Designs

Assisting clients across a variety of industries in creating motion designs.


To customize the text style for all items, click Edit Text. You can change font, size, scale text and more. To show dynamic content from a collection, Connect to Data.


The Leaders Agency is an Influencer Marketing Agency located in Tel-Aviv, Israel. I designed a client dashboard that allows them to review their analytics.


Development of AEM's templates, components, and the design system for

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